Minggu, 13 April 2014

Netiquette, Is It Important?

Do you know what is netiquette?

Well, netiquette is a blending of the word net (from internet) + etiquette. According to Meriam-Webster dictionary, netiquette is rules about the proper and polite way to communicate with other people when you are using the Internet. There are some examples of netiquette, they are:

Avoid "flaming" (online "screaming") or sentences typed in all caps (capital letters). This is the equivalent of someone SCREAMING IN YOUR EAR! (sorry)

Do not post racist remarks regarding people’s race, gender or religion.

Don’t spam (repeatedly post the same ads for products or services).

Stay on topic, especially when you are a newbie. Don’t post about automotive in a wedding & family forum or about wedding & family in a travelers forum.

Click this link for more examples.
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Daily Life Hacks, Tips dan Trik Untuk Mudahkan Hidupmu

Yep, dibawah ini ada beberapa tips unik, kreatif, menarik yang bisa banget buat dicoba dan pasti bisa mudahin hidup kita. Langsung disimak aja yuk :)

Letakkan sutil (spatula) kayu diatas panci air yang mendidih biar airnya gak meluap 

 Taruh sedotan di penutup kaleng, biar sedotannya gak naik-naik 
